I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Forgot Something... (Just Vote NO!)

Maybe you've heard of the "Vote Yes" campaign, if you're in Minnesota. It proposes to put 100% of vehicle taxes towards roads and mass transit. This seems like a great plan on the surface. Who wouldn't want roads that can handle our population better? What does this proposition really say? Is it really that simple as putting money back into our roads? Maybe. We haven't heard much about the inner workings of this thing since the signs started popping up around the state. But, here's what they're not advertising: There is a ceiling of 60% for roads, and a floor of 40% on mass transit. More can be spent on transit and less on roads, but not the other way around. They can put 100% into mass transit (i.e. light rail), and 0% into roads. I don't think that people in Duluth, Warrroad, or Mankato, MN should be funding light rail. Mass transit does little for the majority of people in this state. I don't like this sliding scale. They want to run light rail through my community. Stats show, however, that muggings and other crime have gone up around these light rail stations. I want that in my neighborhood why? The Metro Transit Council would gladly put 100% of this into light rail, given the opportunity. Now, I'm not saying this will happen, but with the language in the bill, it is possible. So, please join me in voting "NO" on Minnesota's transportation amendment. Demand they rewrite this thing to put a fixed amount toward roads. That is a solution where everybody wins. Thank you.


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