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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I've been avoiding this subject, but...

I've purposely stayed away from politics on this blog, but today I can't. We'll see how much I can as we move closer to this next election. Maybe I'm not supposed to steer clear of it. At any rate, here goes...

When it comes to politics, I go with my faith. What does the Bible say about politics? What doesn't it say!?! Jesus taught us a lot of lessons about loving our neighbors, the sanctity of life, and many other lessons. He also said "give to ceasar what is ceasar's, and give to God what is God's." Sure, this passage was in the context of taxes, but other places in scripture ask us to observe the laws of the land, and to pray for those that are in power over us. What is "ceasar's"? I believe that we fulfill our obligation to vote. That's about it. Any allegiance we have to a single party, whether Democrat, Republican, Independence, or whatever is not in line with the way God wants us to approach politics. We should be looking at each candidate honestly through the lens, how do his/her views line up with scripture? There's a lot to consider. I think many conservatives miss the mark on social justice issues. I think that many liberals miss the mark on moral issues. You almost have to go through each candidate on an individual basis, find a list of their views, and make a checklist. The candidate who has more pro's than con's should be whom we choose, unless God overtly places someone else on our heart. That's why praying through this process is so important.

I tend to go more right than left. Know why? It's hard for me to put someone into office who accepts money from groups like the ACLU, GLAAD, Planned Parenthood, and any other number of overtly anti-Christian organizations. I can't, in good conscience, give power to someone that accepts money from groups that want to shut me up, and outlaw my views. Tolerance is not enough. Acceptance and promotion are the new tolerance. I can't do that. So please, tell me where you stand on the issues, so I can make an informed decision! Enough of these manipulative ads!

Today I saw a Patty Wetterling ad that showed stills of her holding pictures of her abducted son. Some of them were from around the time this actually happened. I feel bad for Patty. I hope that no parent ever has to go through what she did. I will also admit that she's tried to do some wonderful things to protect children. However, trying to manipulate voters into backing you because of your missing son is wrong! Now, don't start calling me a heartless monster. That always seems to be the way it goes. They do a good job painting somebody as a victim, so that if we criticize their views, all of a sudden, we are all bigots, monsters, or worse. It is a bully tactic used to shut people up. How dare you speak against a poor, defenseless mother, who lost her child? Give me a break! Quit hiding behind the bushes and show us what you stand for!

Another scary proposition is this Keith Ellison in the 5th district of Minnesota. Does nobody care (here we go again, I'm so going to get flamed) that he is a Muslim that has received donations from CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), which donates to Hamas and possibly Hezbolla? Here's some exerpts from an article in the Star Tribune 9/17/06. http://www.startribune.com/191/story/683044.html

  • Ellison's 40 or so unpaid parking tickets, and his nine moving violations since 2000.
  • hit the campaign trail in June with a suspended driver's license
  • "I don't know how many prior suspensions I've had," he told the Star Tribune. "I don't keep count."
  • $25,000 in unpaid back taxes -- incurred some years ago and later paid
  • The state attorney general sued him twice over filings, and his record includes numerous warnings, a default judgment and a collection agency.
  • But it's Ellison's history of support for Louis Farrakhan -- and the notoriously anti-white, anti-Semitic Nation of Islam
  • In 1995, he was a Minnesota organizer for the Million Man March, which the Nation of Islam convened.
  • Ellison publicly supported the executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism when she allegedly called Jews "among the most racist white people."
  • The Excuse Brigade has sought to counter these inconvenient facts by falling back on the nuclear option -- the B word. Folks who draw attention to Ellison's support for Farrakhan are bigots, they say.
  • Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington, appeared at an Ellison fundraiser, and he and at least one other CAIR employee have donated to Ellison's campaign. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) described CAIR as an organization "which we know has ties to terrorism."

Yep, this guy is the stand-up example of what God is looking for in someone to run our country. Such a fine Christian example. Yet many people, Christians included, will vote for this guy based on 3 little letters, DFL. Can we transcend our preconceptions and really look at each candidate based on his or her merits in relation to scripture? Or if you are not a Christian, it should be plain as day that this Ellison is not a good guy. He breaks the law and snubs his nose at them, he's not paid taxes, he's accepted money from organizations that have gone on the record as saying that they want Muslims to slowly take over offices of power in this country to institute sharia law. You don't think it's possible? Look again. You should be very frightened at the possibilities. Stand up. Shed all party loyalties. Find the best people from wherever they come from to run this country. Don't stand by people that want to ultimately bring you down. Don't trust in men.


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