Further Proof That We Need To Be Actively Involved In The World Around Us
Here's some evidence of the things I said yesterday, in case you don't believe me. (This is not an isolated incident; the ELCA, Episcopalians, Methodists, and at least one Baptist conference are addressing these issues right now, and I'm sure they are not the only ones.) We need to be involved!
Group pushes same-sex marriage, elimination of "fidelity/chastity" clause in PCUSA
A homosexual advocacy group is saying that it will seek General Assembly approval in 2008 for same-sex marriage, as well as the elimination of the "fidelity/chastity" clause in the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The board of directors of More Light Presbyterians, in a statement posted on the group's Web site, also vowed to take back "language that belongs to us: the language of marriage and family" in advocating for "the right of couples, regardless of gender, to have their relationships of love and commitment recognized for the marriages that they truly are.""Pro-marriage legislation and overtures," the statement said, "seek to extend the rights, responsibilities and values of religious or civil marriage to all adults regardless of biological sex, sexual orientation or gender identity. The group vowed to work "to reclaim the true meaning and values of marriage and family." More Light Presbyterians also hinted at what it called "a watershed moment in history" at that General Assembly in San Jose, Calif. – a 'More Light candidate' for moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA)." Calling such a candidacy "representational equality," the board said it "will encourage those who support full LGBT equality right now to stand for the office of Moderator of the 218th G.A. It is past time for our denomination's slate of moderatorial candidates to include a voice that advocates for an immediate end to all discrimination." Advocating what it called "ordination equality," the group again called for the elimination of G-6.0106b, the "fidelity/chastity" clause in the denomination's Book of Order. The clause calls for ordained church officers "to live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness." A growing number of church sessions and presbyteries are adopting resolutions saying that they will abide by the constitutional "fidelity/chastity" ordination standards, with some declaring that "G-6.0106b is an essential, binding standard for all Inquirers, Candidates, and ordained Ministers of the Word and Sacrament." "It is this discriminatory policy that is dividing our church," More Light Presbyterians said. "We must stop rejecting our LGBT sisters and brothers and affirm as equals all baptized children of God." On the marriage issue, the group attacked those who believe in a traditional view of marriage between a man and a woman, not on Biblical grounds, but on what the group claimed was "equality" reasons. It said that "those who oppose acceptance and equality of LGBT people and their families have misappropriated the terms pro-marriage and pro-family in the service of an anti-gay agenda. Right now we reclaim the language of marriage and family as our own.
"For years," the statement said, "those opposed to equality for LGBT Presbyterians have submitted overtures and resolutions to deny them the right to marry. MLP reaffirms its continued support for both religious and civil marriage equality. Scripture teaches us that the heart of marriage is the love and commitment between partners. Experience has shown us that LGBT couples fully display the love and commitment known by all as marriage. It is time," the group said, "to send General Assembly an equal marriage overture, which includes transgender persons. MLP will provide a model for such an overture and encourage presbyteries to submit it to the 218th G.A."
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