Is Comfort Worth Your Freedom?
It's stuff like this email below that puts a sense of urgency within me. It seems that all the wrong causes and those that want to legitimize sinful behavior have all the money and all the press to back them up. The time has come to develop our own voice. The time has come to refuse to let the slanted studies, the left-wing standard definers, and the mudslingers go unopposed. The majority of the world has either been deceived by their fancy talk or is too afraid to speak out, lest they lose their jobs or become threatened. Christians need to stand up and be heard from. This will not go away if we ignore it. We need to be willing to risk what we have now, before our way of life is smothered. Freedom is more important than comfort. Oppression is the alternative. Oppression to speak out about sin, to hire godly people into ministry, and to even preach these things from the pulpit are what looms on the horizon. We must make a decision to press forward now, or be willing to live with the consequences of our silence forever. Sometimes all it takes are a few with a voice to wake others up, and give them the confidence they need to stand up too. There are too many of us, if awakened, to ignore. Why are these huge corporations risking everything to promote 2% of the population, as though it were 30-50%? Why has Ford taken the biggest losses in 14 years for their stance on gay marraige? Pride and lust for power are their weakness. They don't fear us. They are used to us sitting down. If we ever choose to really fight back, it will either pull them back into the real world, or they will go down with the ship. Let's figure out what we need to do to get our voice, and then go wake up our brothers and sisters. With the left getting more and more radical, and the right moving more and more left, we don't have the luxury of sitting back and letting things come to us. The time has come to be proactive; to prepare the troops for the greatest battle of our time. A line in the sand needs to be drawn. Who in this world is for God, and who is against Him? I believe that once the battlefield has been marked and the sides have been chosen that it won't be long until we see His kingdom here on earth. It is human nature to want to have everything perfect before we move. It eliminates or greatly reduces risk. We should want to do our best for God. However, we can't let our pursuit of perfection become a reason for inaction. I can't think of a single Bible story that shows God's glory that started with a perfect situation or ideal conditions. The only one that did (the Garden of Eden), we messed up. We must be out in the world to affect the world. We must be joined together to acheive that which only unity can do. There are too many lone rangers out there, getting frustrated that noone seems to care.
Donald E. WildmonFounder and Chairman
October 23, 2006
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Wal-Mart Rolls Out Red Carpet For Homosexual Marriage
When Wal-Mart announced their support for the homosexual agenda a few weeks ago, they meant what they said. You will remember that Wal-Mart asked for, and received, permission to join the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). The company announced they were giving two large grants to NGLCC. The world's largest retailer was rewarded with a position on the board of NGLCC. Wal-Mart also announced they would give preference to homosexual-owned businesses in purchasing products. Justin Nelson, president of NGLCC, said he expects Wal-Mart to use its influence to pressure suppliers like P&G, Johnson & Johnson, and Gillette to give homosexual businesses preferential treatment. Wal-Mart is also working on a plan to provide domestic-partnership benefits to homsexual employee "partners." The NGLCC is a leading promoter of homosexual marriage. A quick search for books sold by Wal-Mart found the following related to the promotion of homosexual marriage:
What God Has Joined Together: The Christian Case for Gay Marriage
Gay Marriage: Why It Is Good for Gay, Good for Straights, and Good for America
Legalizing Gay Marriage
Why You Should Give a -amn about Gay Marriage
Civil Wars: A Battle for Gay Marriage
Gay Marriage and Democracy: Equality for All
Defending Same-Sex Marriage
Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People's Right to Marry
Gay Marriage, Real Life: Ten Stories of Love and FamilyA quick search of Wal-Mart's website turned up the following number of items for sale: Gay - 1148 Lesbian - 468Transgender - 40 Bisexual - 38 Gay Marriage - 26
Take Action
1. Send your email to Wal-Mart expressing you displeasure with their promotion of homosexual marriage. If you've already sent an email on an earlier Wal-Mart issue, please do so again! 2. Call your local Wal-Mart manager and express your displeasure. 3. Print out and distribute the Pass Along Sheet about Wal-Mart. 4. Forward this email to all your friends and family. Let them know about Wal-Mart's funding of the homosexual agenda.
Click Here to Email Wal-Mart President Lee Scott Now!
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