I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Press Forward With Purpose!

I've gone through the past number of months wanting to do something different, something great, but I had no idea what I wanted to do. Everytime I had a hint of something, I couldn't come up with anything specific. I'm usually great at goal-setting and planning. I can see the big picture and figure out the details that will get me there. I had nothing. It's like when you are trying to watch your favorite tv show and all you get is snow and ghostlike figures moving around, no matter how you move the antennae to focus in on the picture. I had a very fuzzy view of what I wanted, but I just couldn't focus in on the details, no matter what I did. Things I did to focus me in the past, just didn't work. I had moved from burnout, to desperately wanting to do something, and now, finally getting vivid pictures on direction and goals.

I want to encourage you... if you're in a place like where I was, keep believing. You can push on through. Focus on what is in your heart. Take a look at what others are doing. How can you do it better? Who do you know that can help? What skills do you have? Can you barter for other's skills? Write a detailed plan. List who you are and who you want to be. List what you are, and what you want to be. List your fears, and tackle them one by one. This stuff isn't as difficult as it may seem, and it will completely change your perspective on your life. There is no great reward without risk. Have faith that things will go according to plan. We're not here long enough to sit back and watch others do what has been on our hearts. Put your foot down. Declare a change! Move forward now!


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