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Friday, May 19, 2006

You Can Go Out Into All The World For As Little As $7.99 A Month!

You know, we get all caught up that in doing missions, we've got to go on a trip or take part in some organized activity with our church. These are important things that need our consideration, but spreading the gospel of the kingdom of God should be an everyday activity! Mark 16:15 says, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature". We can easily share with the people that we have been given charge over; the people we come across in our daily life. We can go on missions trips, or do a servant evangelism activity with our church, but there's more. I believe that it's important to encourage the church, not just the church we worship in, but The Church, as a whole. There are some great ways to do this. You don't have to go to a foreign land. God may eventually send you there, but at first He may want you to be faithful in the little you've been given to test your faithfulness.

You know, we all have the capability to go into all the world. That's the beauty of the internet! So, maybe you spend 15 minutes less reading internet news and start building relationships with people. We can find other believers anywhere in the world, (with the possible exception of Antarctica). You can research other churches, and read all about them. You can know what they stand for, and what their needs are. You can then pray for them, or even email them encouraging letters. Here's a website that I found that lists churches not only in every state, but around the world! http://churchangel.com/welcome.htm
In fact, today I found a great church in Nepal: http://www.grace-christian-church-ministry-of-nepal.com/ . They are trying to do a great work in Nepal, where Christianity really isn't welcome. If you like, start with this link and and look over the site, add them to your prayer list, and email the pastor, Thoma Rai. I'm sure he'd love to get words of encouragement from you.

Another great place to look is http://www.prisoneralert.com . There is a list of many Christians that are in prison for their beliefs in Countries like China, Iran, Vietnam, and so on. In addition to each prisoner's story, you can write a letter of encouragement to each prisoner and email the ambassadors, presidents, or what-have-you of each country that has imprisoned these fellow believers. They really need to hear your encouragement. Many of them are completely alone. This is an offshoot of Voice Of The Martyrs at http://www.persecution.com , which has many outlets for you to help out in the world, as well.

So you see, there is no shortage of good you can do right from your own computer. You can have a profound impact upon the world sitting right where you are right now! Best of luck to you, and may the wisdom of the Lord our God guide you as you spread the gospel of the kingdom of God!


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