I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Ever-Watchful Eye

I don't know if this is true or not. I'm not saying "Oh, everybody panic!" I am saying, however, that it is possible. You need to be aware of the times, our enemies, and how they perceive you. So read the following, watch what goes on around you, and decide for yourself:


HOMELAND INSECURITYReporter: Don't underestimate al-Qaida nuke threatWarning to Muslims to leave U.S. is serious, says Pakistani who met bin Laden

Posted: September 21, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON – The warning from an al-Qaida field commander in Afghanistan calling for Muslims to leave the U.S. – particularly Washington and New York – in anticipation of a major terror attack to rival Sept. 11, should be taken seriously says the Pakistani journalist who interviewed Abu Dawood.

Hamid Mir, a reporter who has covered al-Qaida and met with Osama bin Laden, told radio talk-show host Glenn Beck yesterday that he, too, had make the mistake of underestimating the terror network in the past.

He said he interviewed bin Laden prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and heard warnings about an attack on the U.S., but discounted them.

Mir took bin Laden more seriously after the bombings of the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, shortly after his first of three meetings with bin Laden – the last coming after 9/11.
"I would not underestimate these people," he said.

Mir also explained that his own independent research and knowledge of al-Qaida verifies the authenticity of some of the claims made by Dawood in their meeting in Afghanistan.
Dawood said the impending attack, which could involved nuclear or radiological weapons, is being coordinated by Adnan el-Shukrijumah and suggests it may involve some form of warhead smuggled across the Mexican border.

"Our brothers are ready to attack inside America," Dawood told Mir. "We will breach their security again. There is no timeframe for our attack inside America; we can do it any time."
As WND has previously reported, el-Shukrijumah is a trained nuclear technician and accomplished pilot who has been singled out by bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri to serve as the field commander for the next terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

El-Shukrijumah has been mentioned as a key figure in what has been called the "American Hiroshima" plot – an al-Qaida plan to detonate one or more nuclear weapons in the U.S.
The terrorist was last seen in Mexico, where, on Nov. 1, 2004, he allegedly hijacked a Piper PA Pawnee cropduster from Ejido Queretaro near Mexicali to transport a nuclear weapon and nuclear equipment into the U.S., according to Paul Williams, a former FBI consultant and author of "The Dunces of Doomsday."

"He is an American and a friend of Muhammad Atta, who led 9/11 attacks five years ago," said Dawood. "We call him 'Jaffer al Tayyar' (Jafer the Pilot); he is very brave and intelligent. (President) Bush is aware that brother Adnan has smuggled deadly materials inside America from the Mexican border. Bush is silent about him, because he doesn’t want to panic his people. Sheik Osama bin Laden has completed his cycle of warnings. You know, he is man of his words, he is not a politician; he always does what he says. If he said it many times that Americans will see new attacks, they will definitely see new attacks. He is a real mujahid. Americans will not win this war, which they have started against Muslims. Americans are the biggest supporters of the biggest terrorist in the world, which is Israel."

Dawood said he was currently conducting operations in Afghanistan under the leadership of the Taliban. He warned of a series of upcoming suicide bombings there directed against government and coalition forces during Ramadan.

He is also quoted as saying the next attack in America will not be conducted by people like Atta.
"We have a different plan for the next attack," he told Mir. "You will see. Americans will hardly find out any Muslim names, after the next attack. Most of our brothers are living in Western countries, with Jewish and Christian names, with passports of Western countries. This time, someone with the name of Mohamed Atta will not attack inside America, it would be some David, Richard or Peter."

He said there will be another audio message from bin Laden aired within the next two weeks.
Mir reportedly interviewed Dawood Sept. 12 at the tomb of Sultan Mehmud Ghaznawi on the outskirts of Kabul. Dawood and the al-Qaida leaders who accompanied him were clean-shaven and dressed as Western reporters. The al-Qaida commander had contacted Mir by cell phone to arrange the meeting.

"You have witnessed the brutality of the Israelis in the recent 34-day war against Lebanese civilians," said Dawood. "9/11 was a revenge of Palestinian children, killed by the U.S.-made weapons, supplied to Israel. The next attack on America would be a revenge of Lebanese children killed by U.S.-made cluster bombs. Bush and (British Prime Minister Tony) Blair are the Crusaders, and Muslim leaders, like (Pakistani President Pervez) Musharraf and (Afghani President Hamid) Karzai are their collaborators. We will teach a lesson to all of them."

El-Shukrijumah was born in Guyana Aug. 4, 1975 – the firstborn of Gulshair el-Shukrijumah, a 44-year-old radical Muslim cleric, and his 16-year-old wife. In 1985, Gulshair migrated to the United States, where he assumed duties as the imam of the Farouq Mosque in Brooklyn.
The mosque, located at 554 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, has served as a hive for terrorist activities. It has raised millions for the jihad and has served as a recruiting station for al-Qaida. Many of the planners of the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, including blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, were prominent members of this notorious "house of worship."

In 1995, the Shukrijumah family relocated to Miramar, Fla., where Gulshair became the spiritual leader of the radical Masjid al-Hijah Mosque, and where Adnan became friends with Jose Padilla, who planned to detonate a radiological bomb in midtown Manhattan; Mandhai Jokhan, who was convicted of attempting to blow up nuclear power plants in southern Florida; and a group of other home-grown terrorists.

Adnan Shukrijumah attended flight schools in Florida and Norman, Oklahoma, along with Mohammad Atta and the other 9/11 operatives, and he became a highly skilled commercial jet pilot, although he, like Atta and the other terrorists, never applied for a license with the Federal Aviation Commission.

In April 2001, Shukrijumah spent 10 days in Panama, where he reportedly met with al-Qaida officials to assist in the planning of 9/11. He also traveled to Trinidad and Guyana, where virulent al-Qaida cells have been established. The following month, he obtained an associate's degree in computer engineering from Broward Community College.

During this time, he managed to get passports from Guyana, Trinidad, Saudi Arabia, Canada and the United States, according to Williams. He also began to adopt a number of aliases, including Abu Arifi, Jafar al-Tayyar, Jaafar At Yayyar, Ja'far al-Tayar, and Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan (the name that appeared on his official FBI file). He traveled to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where he met with Ramzi Binalshibh, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and other members of the al-Qaida high command. He also spent considerable time within al-Qaida camps in Afghanistan, where he received training in explosives and special operations.

Following 9/11, el-Shukrijumah was reportedly singled out by bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to spearhead the next great attack on America. One plan was for a nuclear attack that would take place simultaneously in seven U.S. cities, leaving millions dead and the richest and most powerful nation on earth in ashes.

"Muslims should leave America," said Dawood. "We cannot stop our attack just because of the American Muslims; they must realize that American forces are killing innocent Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq; we have the right to respond back, in the same manner, in the enemy's homeland. The American Muslims are like a human shield for our enemy; they must leave New York and Washington."

Mir, the journalist, has reported previously that al-Qaida has smuggled nuclear weapons and uranium into the U.S.

"I am saying that Muslims must leave America, but we can attack America anytime," he said. "Our cycle of warnings has been completed, now we have fresh edicts from some prominent Muslim scholars to destroy our enemy, this is our defending of Jihad; the enemy has entered in our homes and we have the right to enter in their homes, they are killing us, we will kill them."

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I've been avoiding this subject, but...

I've purposely stayed away from politics on this blog, but today I can't. We'll see how much I can as we move closer to this next election. Maybe I'm not supposed to steer clear of it. At any rate, here goes...

When it comes to politics, I go with my faith. What does the Bible say about politics? What doesn't it say!?! Jesus taught us a lot of lessons about loving our neighbors, the sanctity of life, and many other lessons. He also said "give to ceasar what is ceasar's, and give to God what is God's." Sure, this passage was in the context of taxes, but other places in scripture ask us to observe the laws of the land, and to pray for those that are in power over us. What is "ceasar's"? I believe that we fulfill our obligation to vote. That's about it. Any allegiance we have to a single party, whether Democrat, Republican, Independence, or whatever is not in line with the way God wants us to approach politics. We should be looking at each candidate honestly through the lens, how do his/her views line up with scripture? There's a lot to consider. I think many conservatives miss the mark on social justice issues. I think that many liberals miss the mark on moral issues. You almost have to go through each candidate on an individual basis, find a list of their views, and make a checklist. The candidate who has more pro's than con's should be whom we choose, unless God overtly places someone else on our heart. That's why praying through this process is so important.

I tend to go more right than left. Know why? It's hard for me to put someone into office who accepts money from groups like the ACLU, GLAAD, Planned Parenthood, and any other number of overtly anti-Christian organizations. I can't, in good conscience, give power to someone that accepts money from groups that want to shut me up, and outlaw my views. Tolerance is not enough. Acceptance and promotion are the new tolerance. I can't do that. So please, tell me where you stand on the issues, so I can make an informed decision! Enough of these manipulative ads!

Today I saw a Patty Wetterling ad that showed stills of her holding pictures of her abducted son. Some of them were from around the time this actually happened. I feel bad for Patty. I hope that no parent ever has to go through what she did. I will also admit that she's tried to do some wonderful things to protect children. However, trying to manipulate voters into backing you because of your missing son is wrong! Now, don't start calling me a heartless monster. That always seems to be the way it goes. They do a good job painting somebody as a victim, so that if we criticize their views, all of a sudden, we are all bigots, monsters, or worse. It is a bully tactic used to shut people up. How dare you speak against a poor, defenseless mother, who lost her child? Give me a break! Quit hiding behind the bushes and show us what you stand for!

Another scary proposition is this Keith Ellison in the 5th district of Minnesota. Does nobody care (here we go again, I'm so going to get flamed) that he is a Muslim that has received donations from CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), which donates to Hamas and possibly Hezbolla? Here's some exerpts from an article in the Star Tribune 9/17/06. http://www.startribune.com/191/story/683044.html

  • Ellison's 40 or so unpaid parking tickets, and his nine moving violations since 2000.
  • hit the campaign trail in June with a suspended driver's license
  • "I don't know how many prior suspensions I've had," he told the Star Tribune. "I don't keep count."
  • $25,000 in unpaid back taxes -- incurred some years ago and later paid
  • The state attorney general sued him twice over filings, and his record includes numerous warnings, a default judgment and a collection agency.
  • But it's Ellison's history of support for Louis Farrakhan -- and the notoriously anti-white, anti-Semitic Nation of Islam
  • In 1995, he was a Minnesota organizer for the Million Man March, which the Nation of Islam convened.
  • Ellison publicly supported the executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism when she allegedly called Jews "among the most racist white people."
  • The Excuse Brigade has sought to counter these inconvenient facts by falling back on the nuclear option -- the B word. Folks who draw attention to Ellison's support for Farrakhan are bigots, they say.
  • Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington, appeared at an Ellison fundraiser, and he and at least one other CAIR employee have donated to Ellison's campaign. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) described CAIR as an organization "which we know has ties to terrorism."

Yep, this guy is the stand-up example of what God is looking for in someone to run our country. Such a fine Christian example. Yet many people, Christians included, will vote for this guy based on 3 little letters, DFL. Can we transcend our preconceptions and really look at each candidate based on his or her merits in relation to scripture? Or if you are not a Christian, it should be plain as day that this Ellison is not a good guy. He breaks the law and snubs his nose at them, he's not paid taxes, he's accepted money from organizations that have gone on the record as saying that they want Muslims to slowly take over offices of power in this country to institute sharia law. You don't think it's possible? Look again. You should be very frightened at the possibilities. Stand up. Shed all party loyalties. Find the best people from wherever they come from to run this country. Don't stand by people that want to ultimately bring you down. Don't trust in men.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Press Forward With Purpose!

I've gone through the past number of months wanting to do something different, something great, but I had no idea what I wanted to do. Everytime I had a hint of something, I couldn't come up with anything specific. I'm usually great at goal-setting and planning. I can see the big picture and figure out the details that will get me there. I had nothing. It's like when you are trying to watch your favorite tv show and all you get is snow and ghostlike figures moving around, no matter how you move the antennae to focus in on the picture. I had a very fuzzy view of what I wanted, but I just couldn't focus in on the details, no matter what I did. Things I did to focus me in the past, just didn't work. I had moved from burnout, to desperately wanting to do something, and now, finally getting vivid pictures on direction and goals.

I want to encourage you... if you're in a place like where I was, keep believing. You can push on through. Focus on what is in your heart. Take a look at what others are doing. How can you do it better? Who do you know that can help? What skills do you have? Can you barter for other's skills? Write a detailed plan. List who you are and who you want to be. List what you are, and what you want to be. List your fears, and tackle them one by one. This stuff isn't as difficult as it may seem, and it will completely change your perspective on your life. There is no great reward without risk. Have faith that things will go according to plan. We're not here long enough to sit back and watch others do what has been on our hearts. Put your foot down. Declare a change! Move forward now!