I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Why Would God Cast Any Away?

People can’t understand why if God loves us so much, which He does, how he could allow some of us to perish in an eternal lake of fire. This is a tough roadblock to get over. Instead of trying to find the true answer to this question, they make up more comfortable doctrine that makes room for everybody without any real commitment on our part. “You can believe in any God, or none at all”, they say, “and it is all just as good”.

Consider this… A policeman had two children. He spent his whole life loving them, adoring them, and teaching them the ways in which to be good and productive citizens. One child grew up, went to school, and followed his heart to become a doctor, caring for many with great compassion. His father was proud as could be, and held his son in the highest regard, and with the utmost respect.

Another son, however, hung out with troublemakers and rebelled against all his dad had taught him. His father still loved him very much, and as a result, was saddened by this son’s lawless behavior. One night, the police man was on his night watch, when he saw his son walking down the street. He was happy to see his son. He wanted to run over and start talking to him, but as his son came upon another man walking down the street, his son took out a knife and stabbed the man. His son ran off. The policeman was grief stricken. He ran out to help the man who had been stabbed, but it was of no use. The man bled to death before an ambulance could come.

What was the police officer to do? What would you do? If he turned in his son, and gave testimony to what he saw before the judge, he knew that his son would be convicted and be put to death for his crime. On the other hand, he had lived his whole life for truth and justice, and he knew that if his son did something like that once, that he could easily do it again. After crying for hours, he knew what he had to do. As much as he loved his son, as much as this tore him up inside, and he didn’t want to even consider it, he knew he had to bring his son in and give testimony to what he saw. This was the hardest thing he ever would have to do, but it was the only thing he could do.

Could you have made that same decision? God had to. We, in this life have been given the freedom to do as we please. However, we have been instructed in being good and productive citizens. Yet we commit wrongs against God every day. He has no choice but to attest to what He sees, no matter how much it breaks His heart. He must stay true to His nature to live for truth and justice. We all would be put death. Yet, He is a God of mercy. He loves us too much to let us perish like that. All He wants is to walk and talk with us like sons and daughters. He wants us to be all that He purposed for us to be. So, he sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to teach us once more about what kind of life God desires of us. Then after living a perfect life, He died on the cross, took upon Himself all of our sin, that we might be pardoned of our own death sentence. All we have to do is receive His sacrifice for us, and we are free to go. Death and hell can not touch us after that.

So, you see, the choice is ours. God has done everything He can to find a way around our death sentence without compromising everything He is. However, we have to make the choice to ask for forgiveness of our sins and to receive the sacrifice Jesus made for us. We also have the choice to reject this free gift, and sit on death row, until our day of execution comes. Death and hell are forever. So is eternal life with God. We must come out of this commitment as changed people. We can’t pray a prayer and continue on as we were. We must make a commitment to God that, although we can’t be perfect right away, we will do what we can to learn to be restored into the person He intended for us to be.

If this meant anything to you, please pray the following:

“Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I’ve fallen short of the glory that you created human beings to live in, I don’t have any answers. I’ve tried many things on my own, but still feel unsatisfied. I am so sorry. Please accept me as I am. I offer you my heart, that I may someday be restored to Your likeness. Help me to find my way, as this is all new to me. Please keep me from getting discouraged. Hold me in your hand and lay a new foundation for my life. I want to know You more. Thank you for your gift of eternal life.

In Jesus' name I pray,

If you prayed that, congratulations! You have just stepped into eternal life with God. All the angels and beings in heaven are celebrating at your decision to accept Jesus. Here is the next step to make sure that the restoration process has begun:

1) You need to get a Bible. Everything we need to know is in this book. Granted we won’t understand it all at once, but by reading and studying some everyday, we can begin to know God.
2) Keep praying. The salvation prayer is the first of many you’ll have to make. The Bible says to pray without ceasing. Learn to pray as often as you can. This is how you communicate with God, Himself.
3) Find a good Bible-believing church. Part of our glory is to fit into the body of believers in a productive way. We need to fellowship with other believers to keep us encouraged in the faith and to help us up when we are down. You can research many churches in your area on the internet to find out what they believe. Talk to the pastor, tell him you are a new believer, so that he will know best how to meet your needs to guide you in restoration.

Again, congratulations! You have just taken the first step towards total restoration, greater than anything else we’ve ever known. Please email me or reply on this post if you prayed this prayer. I want to be able to pray for you. Throughout scripture we see people publicly confessing their new faith, as a show of solidarity with God. If you want help finding a church, I’ll see what I can do, just let me know. Peace be with you! Be blessed!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Most Important Thing I've Ever Written!!!

I’ve been doing this blog thing for a while, now. I feel compelled to write about something that I have not yet, something that I probably should have from day one. I’ve written much about the troubles and stress that we feel in today’s society. If we get too caught up in these things, we will quickly be brought down into despair. Millions suffer from depression. They have lost all hope of things ever getting better. We have been conditioned to be so consumed by our own humanness that we have turned away from the flashing neon exit sign to escape our dire situations.

(Now, I know some of you will feel like rolling your eyes and hitting the back button on your browser. Some of you will, but I encourage you to hear me out, consider what I say, and then make a decision, for I hope to present this in a new way to you. One that will finally click inside of you.) Our only hope of finding purpose, fulfillment, and true joy is through trust in Jesus Christ. Now, let me first say this: I apologize on behalf of every Christian that said he/she represented Christ, but was not really living a Spirit-led life, for they probably did more damage than good in you seeing Christianity as it truly is. Please don’t write us off because of the foolishness of a few. I’m sure that many of you have been told to accept Jesus because you will always be happy and all sorts of other flowery things that just are too good to be true. Well they are too good to be true! Being a Christian will often bring more trials, but will also bring greater rewards than anything else you can be in this life.

Why would you want to bring more trouble upon your life if you already feel crushed? In Matthew 11:30 Jesus said: “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” This does not mean that He will take away all of our troubles. Rather, it means that He will build the type of character in us that will give us the patience, hope, and grace to work through our issues with His help. I would rather have evil hot on my heels, with all of the tools that faith in Christ brings, than to be left alone to handle a few problems, and watch them pile up as I keep screwing things up on my own.
You say, “That’s all great, but who says that this Jesus was even a real person?” Well, not only the Christians believe in Jesus, so do the Jews, and Muslims. All three people groups were in the area at that time. They have don’t dispute the actual person of Jesus ever existed. Now, the Jews and Muslims don’t believe that Jesus was the Messiah. That is a whole other matter. We have documented records of what Jesus said and did in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These books are written by different people that hung around with Jesus, and have written four separate books that record a lot of the same incidents, and none of the books disagrees with the next. They all write of miracles, healings, teachings, and His death and resurrection. If we can get past the resurrection of Christ, we can come to believe He is the Messiah. He was dead on that cross. Water poured out of His side, as a sign he was really dead. He was buried for three days, and then arose and appeared to the apostles and over 500 other people before he ascended into Heaven. Each of the gospel writers visibly saw Him resurrected. If He wasn’t who He said, nobody would have followed Him after His death. If His memory was inflated to legendary status, the movement soon would have died out. Think of other cults where the leader dies. They disperse. However, this was different. His followers went around continuing to do the same things He did. They healed the sick, cast out demons, and preached the gospel throughout the land. This only would have happened had Jesus been who He said He was, Lord.

Jesus’ ministry was not one of coming to judge the world for all the evil in it. I’m sure that we’ve all heard John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him might not die, but have everlasting life.” The next verse explains why; “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” You see, when God created man, He created us in His image. This is not just His physical image, but His spiritual image as well. We were given the earth, to rule over and take care of it. After we sinned against God in the garden we became separated from that spiritual image that we had been molded into. We have been trying to restore ourselves to the image and purpose that God had originally intended for us ever since. Most, however, have been trying to find this on their own, and have accomplished little more than becoming as confused as ever.

This is where the message of God’s salvation through Christ is so important. There’s nothing that we can do to earn God’s forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says that “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”. It doesn’t matter if we have only told one little lie, murdered someone, or lived a sinful way of life, we’ve all sinned. This means that anything we do to try and earn God’s favor is useless. He already gave the gift of His Son. It’s a free gift available to all. There’s not one person that has been so bad that God won’t accept them. Paul, the greatest apostle of all time, hunted down Christians to kill them, before Jesus changed his life. Sometimes we focus on the first half of the verse. “All have sinned”. But the second half is just as important. God wants to show His glory in us and through us. Salvation is the first step. Restoration is the rest of the puzzle. Many Christians don’t get that. They don’t move past the salvation experience, and that is why they have done things that have offended or hurt you in the past. They haven’t moved into the restoration process, because anyone that is becoming restored to God’s image would know how to handle themselves better.

Also, God wants you just as you are. He loves you. He doesn’t expect you to be perfect when you come to Him or immediately after. Restoration is a process of receiving God’s glory as we are transformed into His image. It takes time. We will just lose the desire to do the wrong things as we begin to act in the manner of Christ. Don’t worry yourself over things that aren’t in your control. You couldn’t keep from doing wrong before, and can’t now. God, who is in you, gives you the will and power to do it. Restoration will bring a new awareness to you that will empower you to meet and handle every challenge. Many more challenges will come our way to build Godly character in our lives, but we will have the power to deal with each one.

Do you want more joy? Do you want to receive a whole new view on life that will restore you to a place of being able to overcome every issue in your life head on? Then you must make a decision here and now to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. We’re not promised tomorrow. Putting this off only increases your chances of dying before you get a chance to make things right with God. John 14:6 says, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Buddha, Allah, Gonesh, or L. Ron Hubbard can’t promise you what the only true God can. All the self help books in the world can’t transform you into what you are trying to become (Your soul is longing to be restored to God’s image). Unfortunately those who don’t want to be restored to God will not spend eternity with Him. Revelation 20:15 says “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 21:8 also says: “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” There will be fear, weeping, and gnashing of teeth. Many ask how God could cast away those he loves. He has given people every opportunity to turn to Him. He is a fair God, and knows who has had a chance to accept Him and who did not. Those who rejected Him will receive the above fate. However, being restored to God will give us eternity with Him. He will bring us into all the completeness we were destined for from the beginning. There will be no more sorrow or tears. There will be more joy than we can comprehend forever and ever. If this made sense to you, and you wish to be restored, if you’re at the end of your rope and don’t have any more answers, or if you feel an emptiness inside of you that you wish would go away but won’t, please say this right where you are:

“Dear Lord Jesus,
I know that I’ve fallen short of the glory that you created human beings to live in, I don’t have any answers. I’ve tried many things on my own, but still feel unsatisfied. I am so sorry. Please accept me as I am. I offer you my heart, that I may someday be restored to Your likeness. Help me to find my way, as this is all new to me. Please keep me from getting discouraged. Hold me in your hand and lay a new foundation for my life. I want to know You more. Thank you for your gift of eternal life.

In Jesus' name I pray,

If you prayed that, congratulations! You have just stepped into eternal life with God. All the angels and beings in heaven are celebrating at your decision to accept Jesus. Here is the next step to make sure that the restoration process has begun:

1) You need to get a Bible. Everything we need to know is in this book. Granted we won’t understand it all at once, but by reading and studying some everyday, we can begin to know God.
2) Keep praying. The salvation prayer is the first of many you’ll have to make. The Bible says to pray without ceasing. Learn to pray as often as you can. This is how you communicate with God, Himself.
3) Find a good Bible-believing church. Part of our glory is to fit into the body of believers in a productive way. We need to fellowship with other believers to keep us encouraged in the faith and to help us up when we are down. You can research many churches in your area on the internet to find out what they believe. Talk to the pastor, tell him you are a new believer, so that he will know best how to meet your needs to guide you in restoration.

Again, congratulations! You have just taken the first step towards total restoration, greater than anything else we’ve ever known. Please email me or reply on this post if you prayed this prayer. I want to be able to pray for you. Throughout scripture we see people publicly confessing their new faith, as a show of solidarity with God. If you want help finding a church, I’ll see what I can do, just let me know. Peace be with you! Be blessed!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Christianity on upswing in JapanGallup poll:

Wow. I will reiterate my last post before you read this one. I can claim no responsibility for what I said. It seemed a bit silly to me, like I was setting myself up for extreme ridicule. But, it just proves that God is faithful. He can speak to us and we can either listen for it and obey, or disregard it. Disregard breeds distance from what God is really doing. I was lucky enough to be listening at that time. I am nothing special, but only God in me can produce such results. Prophesy is for today, unlike what some may say. God's gifts are for us today.

Written 3/10/06/blogged 3/17/06

"Japan is the land of 'The Rising Sun'. God wants to make Japan the land of the 'Risen Son'. He wills that the people would turn from their dispair and cling to a new hope. The hope in Jesus' death and resurrection. That Japan would be like a paper lantern to its neighbors. God wills that none should perish, but that all may be saved. Asia is consumed by Buddhism, Shintoism, and atheism. Japan has a chance to be the paper lantern in the midst of darkness to lead the world's most populated continent to Christ. Should the majority of of the most populated race on earth perish? Not if God has his way with Japan. May God's will come to fruition. Amen."

And now for the news:

Christianity on upswing in JapanGallup poll: Traditional religions show decline among teens

By Michael Ireland© 2006 Assist News Service
LOS ANGELES, Calif. – A poll conducted by the Gallup Organization has yielded some surprising statistics on Japanese attitudes toward religion, morality and spirituality.
According to a media advisory obtained by ANS, among the findings from one of the most extensive surveys of the country ever taken was a Christian population of 6 percent, a number much higher than reported in previous surveys.
Researchers were also surprised by high numbers of teens who claimed the Christian faith, while the traditionally dominant religions, Buddhism and Shintoism, though still claimed by many adults, suffered declines among teenagers. Some respondents answered that they belonged to more than one religion.

Of the 30 percent of adults surveyed who claimed to have a religion, 75 percent considered themselves Buddhists, 19 percent Shintoists, while 12 percent considered themselves to be Christians.
Researchers were especially surprised at the large number of Japanese youth who claimed the Christian faith. Of the 20 percent who professed to have a religion, 60 percent called themselves Buddhists, 36 percent Christians and followers of the traditionally dominant Japanese religion, Shinto.
Calling the numbers "stunning," George Gallup Jr. who assisted with the poll, noted of teenagers: "These projections mean that seven percent of the total teenage population say they are Christians."
The poll was conducted in association with American Trademark Research and MJM Group in 2001 for use in a documentary that is expected to be released later this year.
"According to the social scientists in Japan, this was the single largest study ever attempted," said Bill McKay, one of the documentary's producers and project research director. "The entire study examined preteens, teens, young adults, adults and seniors."
"In my 50 years of polling, there has been no study that I would consider as important as this one, because it provides insight into a fascinating culture," added Gallup.
"When they saw the design of the questionnaire, Japanese experts argued that the Japanese would never answer the socially delicate and/or the highly personal questions," observed McKay. "However, it was our professional hunch that the Japanese were ready to talk and when they did they told us more than we had asked for. The data is the most revealing look behind the face of Japan and shatters many WWII myths of the Japanese culture."

The poll also delved into popular attitudes toward a variety of subjects related to morality, spirituality and general views about life
"Most Japanese, judging by their responses to scales on happiness, are neither 'very happy,' nor 'very unhappy,' noted Gallup. "There is a degree of fatalism in their somber mood. Teen's perspectives on life tend to a sense of nihilism to an alarming degree. A note of hopelessness is found in the responses to a number of questions. And there is little evidence of eternal hope, although a considerable number do believe in some form of life after life."
On matters of morality, Gallup noted a strong relativistic streak: "Like much of the rest of the world, the Japanese tend to take relativistic views on ethical matters. There is little belief in 'absolutes,' and this is true across the all-generational groups. In the 'hierarchy of crimes,' those related to economic and family matters far outweigh those related to sexual activity."
Researchers were also surprised by teen attitudes which reflected an especially pessimistic outlook on life. While 22 percent of U.S. teens in previous Gallup surveys often wondered why they existed, the number for Japanese teens was 85 percent. Similarly, while 76 percent of U.S. teens always see a reason for their being on Earth, only 13 percent of Japanese teens agreed with the statement. A surprisingly high 11 percent of Japanese teens wished they had never been born, a figure that comes in at 3 percent for U.S. teens.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Another Word

Japan is the land of "The Rising Sun". God wants to make Japan the land of the "Risen Son". He wills that the people would turn from their dispair and cling to a new hope. The hope in Jesus' death and resurrection. That Japan would be like a paper lantern to its neighbors. God wills that none should perish, but that all may be saved. Asia is consumed by Buddhism, Shintoism, and atheism. Japan has a chance to be the paper lantern in the midst of darkness to lead the world's most populated continent to Christ. Should the majority of of the most populated race on earth perish? Not if God has his way with Japan. May God's will come to fruition. Amen.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

A Word

"Oh My people, pay attention that you might know Me, and the hour in which I speak. I do not speak in vain, yet you refuse to listen. Give Me your hearts, for a day will soon come when I will not be found. You will cry aloud for Me, but I will not come. All things that are to happen, must first happen. Count yourself fortunate if your soul is already joined with Me. For I will not abandon you to the ravenous wolves. I hold them at bay for a time, that thou mightest believe upon the Lord your God and work to complete the work in you which has been started. Praise the mighty name of God from the mountain tops. Praise Him from the depths of the sea. Prepare yourself to receive Me, that you may indeed live."