I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We are the World?

I’m sick and tired of being made to feel embarrassed about being an American! Foreign interests, environuts, special interests, and certain politicians have been trying to convince us that we are a bunch of backwards thinking, closed minded fools. They pull this “I’m so much more civilized than you” attitude. We are made to feel that any affection towards the U.S.A. is a disgusting, jingoistic, display of intolerance. It is “in” to consider oneself a responsible world citizen. The deliberate erosion of national identity has caught on.

I am not, and never will be embarrassed to be called an American. I’m proud of the origins of our country. We were tired of being over-taxed and pushed around by Britain, and told them to get out! We bought our freedom with many lives. We haven’t done everything perfectly. What happened to Native Americans and slaves was awful. We didn’t treat the Irish well either. But you know, that didn’t negate what this country was founded on. We had to learn as we went. We’re still not perfect, but we’ve worked a lot of that stuff out. Unfortunately, we’re starting to over compensate and go the way of stripping America of its identity and rich history. I love reading about the Revolution, the Wild West, and how our veterans have kept us safe by risking their lives overseas.

I am a free speech loving, gun toting, red-blooded American. I am unapologetic about that. I will not be intimidated into feeling bad. America has a long history of standing up to bullies. Where we went wrong is when we became identified as equals with our government. They are there to serve us.

From Kennedy and The Bay of Pigs through Bush in the Middle East, our government has been ruining our image in the world. There is a time to raise a fuss and a time to let people live. We had no business messing around in Iran in the 50’s. They were a modern nation, unlike the stone aged leadership we see today. Mozadek had to go, because they wanted to nationalize their oil industry. Well, that wasn’t because of the communist scare our leaders put into everybody. It was because they wanted to reclaim their oil from American oil companies over there with our government’s blessing. Now look what we’ve got to deal with. Good job.

Maybe we should be urging China to stop killing Christians and Falun Gong members for their organs. Maybe we should tell Uganda to take care of its problem with the Lord’s Resistance Army, so that innocent children are no longer put through the torture that Joseph Kony has brought upon them. There are real humanitarian crises around the world that we could be helping to solve. Children from Nepal and India are daily being sold into slavery and the sex trade. Have we heard anything about this? No, we’re too busy fighting the Taliban and Al Qeda, which we happened to equip and train to beat the Soviets in Afghanistan during the Cold War. Again, good job.

It’s up to us to claim America’s good name back. Only we can give the humanitarian aid the world needs. We cannot and should not wait for the government to do it. They always screw everything up. How much of your money do you keep? If they take so much and still have ruined education, health care, social security, and countless other programs, shouldn’t that be an indicator? Something has gone very, very, wrong.

Crime here is reaching uncontrollable heights because we are told that as law-abiding citizens, we have no right to protect ourselves. If we do, we can go to jail. We are taught that crime is a sign of poverty and being disadvantaged. Could it be that it’s a sign of bad parenting in a violent culture? Could it come from under-achieving? Instead, we do what we always do. We throw money at it, pat their heads, and tell them that it’s okay that they terrorize other people. Criminals are the problem, as are those that coddle them! All of the writings from Jefferson and Madison indicate that the second amendment is for us to protect ourselves from criminals and from the government. Jesus instructed his disciples to sell a cloak to buy a sworg if they didn't have one in the book of Luke.

We are told that if we don’t accept immigrants who come here illegally that we are bigots. The word “bigot” has become another scare tactic word, used to bully good people around. America has a rich tradition of immigration. My ancestors came here from England and Sweden. They came here legally, and worked hard to improve their lives. Places like San Francisco and New York City don’t allow for illegals to be prosecuted for crimes, because deporting them would break their sanctuary city statutes. Yet, thousands upon thousands of people with a dream of a better life follow the correct channels to come here legally, and sit and wait. Although many illegals come here with good intentions, many come here to commit crimes, bring unchecked disease, and bring down wages for American workers. Yet, we are supposed to look the other way and keep our mouths shut.

Then there are my friends in the environmental movement. This group of people is single-handedly increasing the costs of fuel, food, and energy. They are making us switch to sub-par $5 light bulbs. They want to control our water, air, and land use. They want taxes on carbon emissions. Trees breathe CO2! It is not a poisonous gas! We get our oxygen, because trees release it after taking in carbon dioxide. These mandates are coming down from international bodies that want to take the wealth of America, and distribute it how they see fit. All hail the new religion! Everybody repeat the mantra!

These fake environmentalists just go around making life miserable for everybody else. A true environmentalist picks up trash, plants trees, helps to control animal populations through hunting and fishing, supports clean air and clean water, and recycles most of the time. The fakes follow you around at the LPGA U.S. Open in Edina harassing you about what bin you throw trash in.

Yes, I am unashamed to be an American! Americans must not be afraid to celebrate their heritage. We must reclaim our country. I’m no hypocrite here. I believe that every country should be free to celebrate its culture. That, to me, is the beauty of the world. I love to experience and study the different flavors that the world has to offer, from the dress, food, architecture of one country to another. I want to see the world, but not a homogenized version where we’ve been stripped of all our differences. I believe in each country to hold on to what makes it special. That includes the United States of America. I am proud to be an American. I will not allow myself to be pushed into giving up any ground to anybody that wants to strip us of our uniqueness!

So, take some time to think about America’s ideals and what makes it special! Decide to be proud of your country! Resolve to defend American culture! Do not give in to the accusations sent your way. You can do good for the world without giving up what makes America special. Send the “World Citizen” proprietors packing. It’s not too late to take this country back!


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