I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

What it's Gonna Take

I'm tired. Maybe it was the constant rain, or the global warming (insert heavy cynicism here), but I'm feeling a bit more cranky than usual. I had been waiting to bask in the warmth of the summer sun for months, and rarely had we seen more than 65 degrees Fahrenheit into June. It's rather depressing. As if that weren't enough, I have to sit and listen to the continual calls to do something about our global warming problem. The same global warming problem that brought snow to Baghdad, the coldest winter to China in 100 years, and an increase in the polar bear population that these Enviroterrorists seem to care so dearly about. Every time I hear about how I’ve got to "Go Green" and reduce my carbon footprint, I turn red. The media has done such an effective job of shutting out the thousands of scientists that are not on the UN payroll and have done their best to debunk the junk science that is the new environmental religion. Al Gore won't even have a proper debate. He just claims that there is a consensus, and blindly acts like there’s nothing more to be said. If his theory is so air tight, what is he afraid of? The truth is that we are being set up for one of the biggest money making scams of all time. Al Gore has been quoted that he would like to see both a global carbon tax and Cap and Trade system. The enlightened Envirobrains running England are talking about instituting a carbon ration card, complete with top-ups for the "extremely wasteful". I’m tired of the rules being made by those who will never have to live under them.
Romans 13 tells the Christian to respect the authorities placed above them. The authority of the United States is the Constitution. Everyone from the President to the local police take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. The Constitution IS the law of the land. It is our authority. Those that violate the Constitution are the ones in the wrong! Our nation is being sold down the river by an elite group of people that have no concern for the people they are supposed to serve. It doesn't matter if we get John McCain or Barack Obama as president. They are both beholden to the central banks and the multi-national corporations. Obama's policy is being formed by Zbignew Brezinsky, a major globalist. McCain is in league with Henry Kissinger. McCain and Michelle Obama have been active with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) for years; the same CFR that has called for a one-world currency and a North American Community. Think I'm full of garbage? Visit www.councilonforeignrelations.org. Look up what CFR president Richard Haas and fellow member Robert Pastor have written- http://www.cfr.org/publication/7912/creating_a_north_american_community.html.
The time has come to be attentive! You see, good people often get screwed over because they just want to live their lives and be left alone. It is those with a lust for more power that sit and scheme towards our enslavement. They think the greatest good is in Government correcting the ills of the world. I believe that the greatest good is in people working to correct the ills of the world, and Government doing little to nothing to interfere in our daily lives. They have come to believe that they have got to protect us from ourselves. I tell them here and now that they have grossly overstepped their bounds. What will it take for good men to take a stand and defend the rights given us by God himself? The time has come to speak out to friends and family! Get passionate and never let up!

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Blogger morrisonbonpasse said...

Rather than being feared, a Single Global Currency will be welcomed in the U.S. when the people understand its benefits.
The success of the euro has shown the world that monetary union is a solid foundation for monetary stability and the optimal monetary union will be a Global Monetary Union. The euro is likely to be the core of the Single Global Currency in such a monetary union.
The Single Global Currency Association promotes the implementation of a Single Global Currency, within a Global Monetary Union and managed by a Global Central bank, by the year 2024. With the successful use of the euro and other common currencies, more and more people and organizations and nations are seeing the advantages of monetary unions. Our website is at www.singleglobalcurrency.org.
The Association recently published the 2008 Edition of my book, The Single Global Currency - Common Cents for the World. A copy of the 2007 edition is available at the Munchen personal archive at http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/5879/. and on the Association's website.
The goal of 2024 is only 16 years away. If one looks at the world before the 2002 distribution of the euro to the people of the EMU, you would have seen in 1986 a Europe with a Soviet Union, an East Germany and a Berlin Wall. At that time, most Europeans would have scoffed at the idea of a new monetary union.
The benefits of a Single Global Currency include:
- Zero transaction costs to exchange currencies. Presently, $3.2 trillion is traded every trading day and all this trading and its associated costs, approximately $400 billion annually, can be eliminated.
- The end of currency fluctuations and currency speculation.
- The end of "Balance of Payments", "Current Account" and "global imbalances" problems for currency areas. There will, of course, still be trade and wealth inequalities, and more visibly; but they will not be compounded by the problem of foreign exchange transactions and reserve requirements. There would be no need for countries to maintain international reserves of other currencies.
- Zero manipulation by countries of their currencies, and thus no more need to cajole and jawbone any particular country or currency area about the value of its currency.
- Zero risk of national and regional currency crises such as occurred in the 1990's in Mexico, Argentina, Malaysia, South Korea and Russia.
- Minimal inflation, assuming that the future global central bank sets and achieves a low inflation rate, just as the European Central Bank has done. It's not clear that a zero inflation rate can be secured, as that would bring an economy perilously close to deflation and a deflation spiral, but certainly a low rate of inflation would be better for the world than the current rates.
- Worldwide asset values will increase by about $36 trillion due to the elimination of currency risk. Such an increase in asset values will cause annual worldwide GDP to increase by about $9 trillion.
- With no currency risk, worldwide interest rates would be lower.
- With zero risk of currency failure and zero manipulation and minimal inflation, the Single Global Currency would satisfy the moral obligation that a stable currency should be considered as a fundamental human right, as is the right to own property. A Single Global Currency would be far more stable than the currencies presently used by billions of human beings
While all these benefits are expected upon the implementation of a Single Global Currency, considerable benefits will also come during the implementation processes which will see the reduction of national currencies as predicted and welcomed recently by Benn Steil in Foreign Affairs.
Of course, not all economists agree with the goal of a single global currency. For those who would label the single global currency utopian, we call their attention to the euro, which began as a plan only about 30 years ago. Who would have thought in the 1970's that Europe would not only adopt a common currency, but also that its member countries would discard their old currencies?
The single global currency might be an enlarged transformation of one of the current major currencies (dollar, euro, yen), perhaps with a new name such as "dey", "eartha", "geo","globo" or "worldo" or it might be a new currency with such a name. How we get to that point is, of course, a major challenge, but there are several possible routes. One is to continue the trend of creating and expanding regional monetary unions, and then combine those monetary unions into one. Another is for smaller countries to continue to "ize" their nations' legal tender, as in "dollarize" and "euroize", as has been done in El Salvador and Monaco. Compatible with all these and other routes is the need to convene an international monetary conference of nations, monetary unions and related organizations, and begin planning for the implementation of a single global currency.
Organizations such as the IMF and the Bank for International Settlements, and individual economists should begin to carefully research and write about the benefits claimed above for the Single Global Currency, and about the costs, too. When the vast benefits become better known, the people of the world will demand a Single Global Currency and ask why we have been burdened so long with the existing multicurrency system, which Nobel Laureate Robert Mundell describes as "absurd."

Sunday, July 13, 2008 4:46:00 PM

Blogger Jason said...

Unfortunately, the institution of a world-wide currency infringes on national sovreignty. All financial power would be consolidated within one central bank system. This will surely leak over into matters of policy and legality as well. We will see international law replace our own Constitutional law. We can kiss our Bill of Rights goodbye. The Supreme Court would be subject to rulings of a World Court. This is a slippery slope we stand at the precipice of.

The only real answer is to end the Federal Reserve's hold over our monetary policy. A standard backed currency would bring strength to a useless, fiat currency that depreciates with every passing day. Thomas Jefferson warned us that if we turned our money over to a central bank, that we would soon become slaves on the continent our fathers founded.

The Fed has done that, and more, in less than 100 years of existence. I say that we enforce our Constitution and teach a lesson to anyone that thinks we'd be better off as a weak member of some "world community". Shut down the Fed! Protect our borders! America may have been led wayward, but we're not done fighting yet. There are patriots in this country that will not allow the shadowy grip of Marxism to drag us under. You underestimate what we are made of.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008 9:39:00 PM


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