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Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Time Is Now

U.S. Capitol Switchboard- (202) 224-3121

Allow me to talk candidly for a moment about a very touchy subject: immigration. This is a great country that owes a great deal of what it has to the foresight and genius of immigrants. I, myself, am a descendent of Swedish and English immigrants (along with my proud Cherokee heritage). I owe every opportunity available to me to those who have gone before me. They were people that saw the hope and value of a new land and a fresh start. Where would we be without not only our founding fathers, but the work of the worn and weathered hands that built this country? It’s those values of hard work and perseverance that still make America the land of opportunity. It’s new blood in the melting pot that stirs the waters, and keeps everybody reaching for success.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for all immigrants in this day and age. Don’t get me wrong, most immigrants who come here want to work hard and make a better life for their families. This is to be applauded. However, there are millions of immigrants who have come here illegally. They come here and are a drain on our economy. People say that they take jobs Americans won’t take. I don’t believe that. I believe that they get hired because businesses can pay in cash below minimum wage, and pocket more money. This drives wages down below what American citizens can afford to work for, and there’s little chance of these businesses getting caught. Because of the low wages, they are able to overload our medical, education, and welfare systems. These people are taking from the system, and not giving in through taxes. This should upset any of us who pay our taxes, and have to pay for their share too. They are literally reaching into our pockets and taking that which we have worked so hard for. For middle class families, it might mean getting your daughter a nice winter jacket. It might mean not being able to give money to a charity you actually want to.

Certain cities serve as illegal immigrant havens. The local law enforcement refuses to touch illegals. Why are they, all of a sudden, this protected class? There are many illegal immigrants who come to this country to cause trouble in the form of drug trafficking, gang activity, and other nefarious activities. To top it off these illegals almost never get deported. They are allowed to stay here and continue causing trouble. It is a known fact that terrorists gain access to this country though our porous borders and lax enforcement policies. That should worry you. Mexico, who criticizes us for wanting to control our border, is very tough on their southern border. That seems a bit hypocritical to me. Legal immigrants widely regard our turning a blind eye to illegal immigration as a slap in the face! They had to go through all the bureaucratic channels to get here, and work hard to make it. These illegals sneak in and get everything handed to them. I understand why they feel this way.

There is currently an important bill before Congress. It is touted as immigration reform. The truth is, however, that it does more to weaken our borders and culture than to strengthen it. The new bill proposes 300 miles of fence on the border. Great. We were promised 700 miles in a bill before this, and they have eleven miles surveyed and three miles built! What makes you think that if they haven’t done anything yet, that they will now? It grants amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Sure, the head of household has to go back to their country first. Who’s going to enforce that? They can’t get people to return to their countries now. Plus, if the bread winner leaves their family here, won’t that be a bigger burden on our already over-generous social programs?

I don’t understand the need to have this comprehensive immigration bill that no one can agree on. Let’s get one bill into law that secures the borders, then we can discuss the best way to handle the current illegal immigrant population. We must make our borders a priority! For those of us that agree on the importance of securing our borders and relieving the strain on our economic system, we must let our senators know how we feel NOW! Despite record numbers of people calling Capitol Hill, we still have too few allies in the fight against this bill. They are voting this week, and we must let our elected representatives know how we feel about it immediately. Votes are the only thing that speaks to these career politicians.

John Cornyn from Texas introduced an amendment to the bill that would ban felons (terrorists, drug runners, murderers, etc.) and those under judicial order for deportation from ever gaining permanent residence in this country. IT WAS VOTED DOWN!!! Most of our senators disagree, and think that violent criminals have every right to come here illegally, AND STAY! Can you believe that? For my Minnesota friends, Senator Amy Klobuchar voted against this amendment! Wasn’t she the Hennepin County Prosecutor? This explains the rise in violent crime in Minneapolis over the last few years. Normie Coleman? He voted for the amendment, but still supports the reform bill as a whole. You’re on the wrong side of this battle, Norm.

President Bush, you are wrong on immigration. Don’t pass us off, as uninformed, behind-the-times, second-class citizens. You talk big about protecting the borders from terrorists overseas (thank you) but aren’t willing to stand up to protect our borders at home! Mr. President, Senators, Representatives, please listen to your constituents. Republicans, Democrats, and people of other political persuasion are coming together over this. Do not betray the will of the people!

Friends, I urge you to call Washington, and let them know how you feel. Speak in their language, votes! You don’t have long to make your opinion known. If you don’t call, you have to live with the consequences of an open border. Are you willing to take that chance?

U.S. Capitol Switchboard- (202) 224-3121
Bill information: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d110:S.1348:

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