If You Don't Pay Your Buck'O Five, Who Will?
We live in a democracy, or at least last time I checked. Under the ideals of freedom and liberty we should be free to make mistakes. That is not the vision of the new government we live under, however. They think that they’ve got to save us from the biggest danger known to man; ourselves. They continue to pass more restrictive laws, governing what we are allowed to do, what we are allowed to eat, what we are allowed to see, and the list goes on and on.
As a Christian, I value the free will we were endowed with from our Creator. He could have made us pure automatons, not able to engage in any behavior that was against His perfect will. This was not, however, His plan. He gave us the ability to think, reason, learn, and, yes, screw up. He gave us the freedom to disobey, make bad decisions, and bring punishment upon ourselves. This, in His perfect will, was the only way to create us in His image. He wants us to choose what’s right, to choose Him.
Our government, in all their wisdom, thinks that they know better. It started with cameras at stoplights to catch anyone that might run a red when no one’s looking. Next, we’ve seen smoking bans put in place. I’m not a smoker, nor do I like it. It’s stinky and repulsive. I hate when people think they need to blow their smoke right in my face. As a singer, it makes my throat all dry and scratchy. But by banning it, first they told business owners how to run their own private businesses. Next, they want a statewide smoking ban. Some states are looking into banning smoking in cars, or in houses with children. Now I think that smoking with children present is plain wrong. That said, How are you going to tell someone what to do in their car or in the privacy of their own home? The onus should be upon each of us to be responsible and (gasp) teach our children responsible behavior. “Don’t blow your smoke in other people’s faces.” “Don’t smoke around children.” “Don’t litter. Dispose of your butts properly.” Smoking may be a nuisance, but it’s a legal nuisance in this country, and restricting when and how people smoke is a simple example of our being stripped of our liberty.
Banning trans-fats in New York and trying to ban incandescent light bulbs in California are more examples of legislating away our freedoms. We’ve already lost the privilege of true free speech in this country. Instead of parents teaching their kids how to be kind and respectful, we’ve had the powers that be legislate what is considered to be “hate speech” or a “hate crime”, and it’s become more and more restrictive to speak freely. Isn’t all crime based out of hate? What about eminent domain? Should the government be allowed to confiscate your land and your home just because they want it? Banning cell phones in cars and optical billboards because they are distracting? So are radios, bumper stickers, and passengers! But we don’t hear about those things. It’s all a tool to control our lives and shut down the critics. There’s an agenda.
Is global warming just another one of these tools? Not if you listen to Al Gore, the media, Hollywood actors, or scientists who are receiving big money grants to study this phenomenon. If you were receiving money to study something, would you stop signing your own checks by saying it doesn’t exist? Scientists who don’t believe in it have been shut out of the conversation, and been publicly shamed as hacks. Where does the truth lie? Why might the government need global warming to further its control over us, and to continue stripping away our freedoms? Why is everyone taking the loudest voice at its word, and not asking any questions?
The global warming idea was introduced by the United Nations. (If you read this blog, you know what I think of the UN.) Today, the UN-backed “international scientific community” released a report that said that that global warming is a man-made problem. An IPCC (International Panel for Climate Change) report says that water vapor is 270 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Yet, all they talk about is carbon dioxide. I can’t even find an IPCC report that addresses the impact of water vapor in global warming. In fact, they confess that they don’t know the impact. How can you put forth a study on global warming and leave out the most concentrated source of greenhouse gases?
There are records of the Vikings farming on Greenland. How do you think it got its name? Yet today, it’s all covered in ice. There are also records of a little ice age in the 1700’s. There are original source documents that tell of Scandinavian priests leading their countrymen southward, to avoid the advancing glacier ice. This certainly would suggest that the weather is more cyclical in nature. The same scientists that swear that the earth was a tropical haven for the dinosaurs, and went into an ice age, and out again, are the same scientists that say we are ruining the earth with our increased production of carbon dioxide.
Why would these IPCC scientists skew data, use inconsistent testing methods, use unusual data sources, and report bits and pieces of findings? They have something to hide! There is no proof that global warming exists! Creating a problem that these governments have the “solution” to already will scare the uneducated into willingly giving up personal freedom for safety. Banning incandescent light bulbs reduces carbon dioxide? Well then, ban it already! My SUV is bad? Well then, ban it! I could be wrong about my views on global warming. I do not professionally study global warming. I do, however, look at both sides of an issue. I do my research. I encourage you to do the same. Don’t ever take anything at face value. Know why you believe what you believe!
We are going down a slippery slope here. It’s all about retaining power. They need us to realize how much we need them. Wake up! Do we care about freedom and liberty enough to do our own research on this stuff and stand up for truth? There are plenty of resources out there, if you do a little digging. At what price are we willing to give up our freedoms? Do we need to be kept safe from ourselves? I believe in free will and personal responsibility. Those are ideals I’m willing to put my life on the line for. Those are the ideals we, and the U.S.A., were created under. Anybody else with me?
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