R.I.P. Ira Love (Ira Ferguson)

This past week this earth lost a great guy and a wonderful musician in Ira Love. The dude’s been around. He’s played with Mint Condition, New Nation, Ira N The Christo Palace, and many more. I’ve known Ira for about seven years. I saw him in his prime, and slowly deteriorate from his kidney issues. It was sad to watch. He knew that he wouldn’t be around late into life, but at 40 years old? It just doesn’t seem right. It’s bittersweet. He’s no longer in pain, but jumping around with his new body, pain free. He also gets to see his late son again. So, I’m happy for him, but kind of sad for us down here. We had always talked of doing some FTFE stuff together, but never got around to it. Maybe in the next life, bro. If you knew Ira, you know what I’m saying. His funeral was packed. I’ve never seen so many people stick around for a three hour service. But that’s how he lived his life. He left behind a legacy. Any less would have been an injustice. My prayers go out to his family and friends.
Take stock of your life, everyone. What legacy are you leaving behind? How much good did you do while you were here? We’re on borrowed time. Make the most of it.