I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Music's Importance (and the hole we're stuck in)

The state of the music industry today is deplorable. Music is the thing that said the things that we couldn’t say. It spoke to the places in us that were empty and hurting. We identified with it and the people that made it. Now what does it say? “Dance, dance, baby?” “I got the benjamins all rolled up tight?” “Blah, blah, blah, blah”? Where is the artistic integrity of days gone by? It’s out there, but you really have to look hard. The record companies aren’t pushing it. They’re more concerned with pushing the small-minded tripe of Fergie, Gwen Stephani, or Mims. Where are songs like U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”, Elton John’s “Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters”, or Counting Crows “Omaha”? King’s X is still making songs like “Sooner or Later” off of their most recent release. But they are not selling gold or platinum. Yet, they seem to be happy with what they are doing. Sevendust writes heart wrenchingly honest songs. Yet, they are on their own label, and not getting a huge push. They are a band that has a strong connection with their fans.

I remember going to concerts as a teen, and standing in the pit, with hundreds of other hot, sweaty, sticky people. It was a bonding experience. I don’t like being around huge throngs of people. I stay away from malls and avoid grocery stores. But I was always early to a concert, waiting to get in the middle of that mess of people, trying to get close to the music. (Except when the idiots started showing up, and thought that pushing each other with no regard for other people around them who were trying to pay attention to what was happening on stage instead of the idiots next to them was a good time.) I always dreamed of doing an arena-type tour, with all of the crazy kids up front who just wanted to be close to the front, close to the music. Now everybody has an assigned seat. The front is reserved for people that can afford to be there. When is the last time you saw a millionaire crowd surfing or for that matter, jumping around and pumping his fist? Acts like this have abandoned their fans. The front shouldn’t be reserved for the wealthy, but for whoever wants it the most. That person’s energy and enthusiasm will transfer to the performer and, in effect, produce a better show. Concert tickets should be beween $25 and $35, and that’s including Ticketmaster’s exorbitant fees.

Music should be for the people. Unfortunately, it’s for the record company execs to turn a quick profit on, for Ticketmaster, and for the rich who want to sit up front like they’re at a movie. The real music, the music that touches us, is out there. It’s just not very available. You have to hunt for it. Someday, there will be a vehicle for this music to reach the masses, but it won’t look like it did in the past. We won’t hear it on traditional radio and go find it in music stores. However, the want and the need for this music is out there. As popular and accessible as movies, television, and video games are, they can’t take the place of music. In fact, these things all use music because they are not sufficient means of entertainment on their own. There is something about music that can not be substituted by anything else. Music speaks to the soul. People want to do more than dance. They want to feel. They want to know that someone else understands what they are going through. Music is deep, but we can’t wait for the music industry sharks to go away before we leave the shallows. We’ve got to drive them out now.

Monday, May 14, 2007

From my friend Thomas in Nepal

About a year ago, I was perusing the internet (one of my unofficial duties at work), and I came across a church in Nepal that caught my eye. I reviewed the website and was prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray for and encourage this church. Nepal is a very poor country that is deeply entrenched in Hinduism. I e-mailed the pastor, Thomas Rai, a note of encouragement, and to let him know that I'd be praying for him. Over the past year, we have talked much, and I am blown away by the work of the Holy Spirit in this small church. He regularly writes me to tell me about healings, deliverences, and his prayer needs. This is a church, that despite its small size and lack of finances, has done great things through the power of the Holy Spirit. They have planted (and continue to plant) churches in different parts of Nepal, some completely untouched by the gospel. Nepal has about 27.6 million people, most of whom need to hear about Jesus.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, in his latest letter, Pastor Thomas has asked me to share what his chuch is doing with other Christians, and that you might feel called to pray for him as well. Here is the web address for Grace church's website: http://www.grace-christian-church-ministry-of-nepal.com/. Please check it out. Also read the note below to hear what things God has been doing among His people in Nepal. His e-mails are filled with stories of healings, deliverences, and the growth of the kingdom of God. Thomas is just a regular guy who loves Jesus, and is willing to reach into his toolbox to allow God to use him among his people. If you feel so inclined, you can e-mail him letters of encouragement at his e-mail address, found on his website above. Thanks for taking some time to consider what God is doing among our brothers and sisters in another part of the world. I hope you find it as encouraging as I do. Have a great day!

Jason BradleyThomas Rai wrote:
From: "Thomas Rai" To: "jason Bradley"
Subject: Re: Pray for my trip to west NepalDate: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 11:55:58 +0545

Dear Jason Bradley,

How are you? We are find by the Grace of God. Thank you very much for your email. I am always encouraged when I receive the emails. Thank you very much for your kind prayer supports to our ministry. Thank you very much for your prayer support for my trip to Surkhet and Pokhara. God is with me. He protected me and leads me. Now, I have come back from trip. We are experiencing our God who with us. He always leads us in His way through the Holy Spirit. God is working here. We can sence and experince Him through life. I would like to send you our Grace Church Mission Trip Reports to West Nepal. I have found that there are very few Christians, millians of people are still living in darkness need light of Christ to them in west of Nepal. Means west of Nepal is less Christians. We have to need to send many evangelists there. Please pray for the West Nepal's people who are never heard the Gospel of God in their life. Now I have a great burden & vision for the west Nepal. Please pray for me. We would like to have a target for the west Nepal's people to win them in the Lord.

I have met one of very poor oldman on my trip to Surkhet who was carrying to orphan grand-sons from his son and daughter. He said that he was going to look for any orphanage in Kathmandu to put them in orphanage. I have asked him. I do not have orphanage but you may go to look for christian orphanage in Kathmandu. I gave his some addresses and phone numbers.

The story of his son and daughter is very sad because he said, His son was marry three years ago and also his daughter was married four years age. Both of them had one-one children. Later, his sons and daughter both of them were forced to join in Maoists and taken to jungle for training. Both of them were killed in the jungle war. After they were killed, their children became orphans. Nobody care for them. He heard that there is orphanage in Kathmandu. So, he was caring them to Kathmandu.

He said, there are hundred of children orphans now in his hometown. Parents were killed in the war.I was so sad in my heart when I heard his matters. But I could not do nothing right now because of lack of sources. Now, I am praying for those children. God may open the way for them. Please pray for them.

I would like to request you that would you please share to your friends about our ministries and the situation of Nepal to please for us. Is there any one who has interest to help those children and ministries here?

Finally, I would like to send some Grace Church Mission Trip to West Nepal. Please find out attached file. Please pray for me and our ministries. Thank you very much for your kind prayer supports.

Yours faithfully,

Pastor Thomas Rai
Grace Church Ministries,
P.O.Box 89075,
EPC. 397,