I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hand Over Your Keys

People want you to think that we have it so bad here in America. And you know, it’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. Our liberties are slowly being stripped away, not directly because of some oppressive government, but because of those that want peace and fairness above all, including the safety of the people of this nation. We haven’t left our government with much of a choice. I don’t like every move I make being scrutinized under a magnifying glass any more than you do. In fact, the whole thing should make you scared for your life! This could have been completely avoided, however, if we had tougher policies on immigration, crime, and put way less stock in the United Nations.

It’s important to work with our neighbors throughout the world, but we’ve appeased these peaceniks to the point that our national security has been weakened. Peace that brings about insecurity and destruction is no peace at all, but in reality, surrender. Don’t get me wrong, most of the people that come to this country are good people just looking for a chance to improve their lives. However, our immigration policies are so liberal, that along with the good, the bad come right in.

The civil “liberties” organizations are trying to make it so that we can’t even speak negatively about a group, much less put them under the microscope. Doesn’t that infringe on our liberties? No one’s really concerned about that. Well, they should be. If it’s one group that is causing the mess, they should be scrutinized. Sorry to all of the good people that belong to that group, but if you’re really concerned about it, you will do something to clear your name. Sitting silently on the sidelines does not help your cause.

In America, our hands are tied. We do nothing. However, take a look at some of the other countries around the world. They pull out all of the stops to ensure that their way of life is preserved. Yet nobody in these civil “liberties” organizations says anything. Why? It’s because these other countries are fighting against what America stands for. These organizations speak up for groups here that want to change our culture to theirs, but don’t say anything of the human rights violations that these same types of people in these same countries perpetuate on those who desire liberty in their own land. What a double standard! Civil “liberty” organizations time after time prove that they are not on the side of Mr. or Ms. Everyday American. Look at some of the things these countries do, and ask yourself the following questions:

Don’t we, truly, have it better here?
Shouldn’t we have the right to protect our way of life?
Am I prepared to accept the consequences of standing by and doing nothing?

I hope you think long and hard about this. This is not some little thing we can overlook. America’s had a good run. The battle for America has begun. Whose side are you on? Why? Don’t let them tell you what to think. Think for yourself. Come to your own conclusion. Be honest with yourself. Are you really ready to hand the keys over to someone else? Well, are you?

Do you want this here?

From The Voice of the Martyrs

CHINA (Compass Direct)On August 17th, Chinese authorities released Zan Aizong, a journalist who reported the Hangzhou City police using force to demolish an unregistered church building and beating hundreds of believers on July 29th. Zan, the former China Ocean News Zhejiang Province bureau chief, was arrested on August 11th for "spreading rumors and disturbing social order." Two days before his arrest, Zan received a notice from his employer that he was "no more suitable for the job." As a journalist, Zan said in a telephone interview on August 20th, "my responsibility is to report the truth, even though it means losing my job." According to Yu Jie, a founder of the Beijing Church of Ark, Zan was recently baptized in a house church in Hanzhou. Yu believes Zan's experience in jail will only make him identify more with the plight of the believers. Give thanks to God for Zan's release. Pray the Lord will provide a job for him and allow him to continue his ministry of countering the lies of the enemy. Pray Jesus will use Zan's increased compassion for suffering Christians to bring relief to many believers.

INDIA (VOM sources) Official sources reported that on August 20th, one person was killed and five others injured when unidentified persons fired at a congregation in Churachandpur district of Manipu. Evening services were being held in the Evangelical Baptist Church in Vengnuom area when some armed persons in combat dress came in a vehicle and started firing in the direction of the church. The incident happened when armed persons in a van were challenged by armed miscreants near the church. Immediately after they were challenged, the occupants of the van, whom local residents suspect to be security forces in mufti, emerged from the vehicle and started indiscriminate firing towards the church which was filled with people. One believer died at the spot, while another succumbed to his injuries at the district hospital. Four others were injured. In addition, one man was hurt when he was knocked down by someone evacuating the injured on a scooter. That same day, Pastor Jwala was conducting a morning worship service in Sheopur near Jhalsy when a group of radicals with a local leader entered the meeting with hockey sticks and mercilessly attacked Pastor Jwala and members of the congregation. After the brutal attacks, they were taken to the police station where pastor Jwala was booked under the Anti Conversion Law. Bail was not granted to the victims. Pray God will comfort with His deep peace those who mourn for the dead. Pray the Lord Jesus will touch the injured with His healing power. Pray the Christians will be faithful witnesses of the love and forgiveness of their enemies, leading them to repentance and salvation.

MALAYSIA (ASSIST News Service) Lina Joy (42), who was born Azlina Jailani to Malay parents, converted from Islam to Christianity when she was 26. Since Malaysian law requires a Muslim's religious matters to be decided in a Sharia (Islamic) Court, Lina had to get a certificate from the Sharia Court to show she had permission to convert to Christianity. As long as Lina is officially identified as a Muslim she is legally compelled to marry a Muslim man in a Muslim ceremony and be subject to Islamic Laws, including Islamic family law. Lina has been fighting for her rights. Two earlier court cases were dismissed, so her counsel is now challenging the decision in the Federal Court. The Federal Court ruling will clarify whether the religious freedom of Malaysia's Muslims is determined by the Constitution (which gives liberty) or Sharia (which denies it). The decision is still pending. As all Malays (50 percent of the population) are defined by the Constitution as Muslim, religious freedom is thereby denied them from birth on racial grounds. Meanwhile, in the northern state of Kelantan, state-funded Islamic missionaries are receiving financial incentives to convert tribal Orang Asli people to Islam. Islamic missionaries who agree to live and work among them will receive free housing, a monthly allowance of 1,000 ringgit (US$270) and a four-wheel-drive vehicle. Those who marry tribal women will be given 10,000 ringgit (US$2,700). Pray God will give Prime Minister Badawi the courage to stand for justice and religious liberty. Pray the Holy Spirit will move in the hearts of the judges to enable Lina Joy and all Malaysians to enjoy freedom to live under God's law without interference. Pray Malaysian Christians will be filled with supernatural love for those who oppose them, allowing them to see the One who loves them and longs to draw them close to Himself.

PAKISTAN (Compass Direct) In an attempted land-grab, Muslim attackers have terrorized a predominantly Christian village in Pakistan's Punjab province over the past two weeks and demolished its church. Three Christian men were hospitalized with serious hatchet wounds from an initial August 7th attack on a village 20 miles southwest of Lahore. The Muslim aggressors, led by Yaqoob Maher, came from a neighboring village. Another critically injured Christian, Bashir Masih, was abducted and remains missing since a second assault on the village on August 12th, when he tried to stop armed attackers from stealing his cattle. When Christian villagers tried to file an official complaint against the assailants, Sharaqpur police instead filed an official complaint against 10 of the villagers, accusing the Christians of "opening fire" on Maher. Pray the power of the Holy Spirit will give these villagers boldness and zeal for the Lord, not allowing the Muslims to have victory over their minds. Pray the Lord will keep Bashir Masih safe and quickly return him to his village. Pray for the Muslims whose eyes have been blinded by the enemy of their souls.

UZBEKISTAN (Forum 18) Uzbekistan intends to impose massive fines and jail people and the leaders of their religious communities for sharing their beliefs outside places of worship. The proposals were made at an August 4th meeting of religious leaders, called by the state Religious Affairs Committee. Those attending the meeting were representatives of state-registered religious organizations, including the Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Uzbekistan, the Russian Orthodox Diocese of Central Asia, the Catholic Church in Tashkent, the Jewish community, the Baptist Union and the Full Gospel Church. All unregistered religious activity is illegal in Uzbekistan. The state Religious Affairs Committee told the religious leaders that they and their clergy must stop their members and those who regularly attend places of worship from sharing their beliefs with anyone outside their churches. The fine for sharing their beliefs would be between 200 and 600 times the minimum monthly salary. Persistent proselytizing would impose jail sentences between three and eight years on them and their religious leaders. Leaders of religious communities are fearful of openly attacking the proposals because of the danger of reprisals against their communities by the authorities. There is currently a crackdown on religious believers of many faiths taking place in Uzbekistan.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Are you awake?

We live in interesting times. There’s so much going on all around us, it’s liable to make our heads spin. Yet, most of us take for granted what we hear, and that we can trust the media to give us a clear and accurate representation of our world around us. There is a major power grab going on right now, and it’s up to us to open our eyes and recognize this, so that we don’t become a pawn in their plans to gain power over us. We used to feel safe in going to work, coming home, eating dinner, and saying “let’s go to a movie”. The world seemed to revolve nicely, as long as we knew our place in the world and didn’t try to cause any waves. However, we’ve kept our eyes and ears closed for so long now, that things have seemingly slipped far beyond our control. It’s time to wake up and realize that if we don’t stand up for freedom, some people will have stripped us of our very voice.

Try doing research on some of these fringe “special interest” groups like the Lucis Foundation:


Seem far-fetched? The Lucis Foundation doesn’t hide from any of this. You can read about its ties with occultism and the United Nations on its own website. The occultism is overt. UN ties can be found by using the search mechanism on the site and searching for United Nations:


From the UN website:


Still want to trust in the UN to be in charge of world government? This is only one such “special interest group” that wants to diminish our ability to operate in freedom.

The American Civil Liberties Union is another such organization. http://www.aclu.org/ Sure, human rights seem like a good thing, but this organization is not here for the rights of everybody. They fight to eliminate crosses from public cemeteries (http://www.aclu.org/religion/gen/26186leg20060717.html), parental rights over educational content (http://www.aclu.org/scotus/2003/13914prs20040324.html, http://www.aclu.org/religion/schools/23144prs20051220.html ), obliterating community safety over the rights of the criminal (http://www.aclu.org/prison/index.html, http://www.aclu.org/reproductiverights/abortion/26169prs20060718.html ), circumventing parental control in the home (http://www.aclu.org/reproductiverights/abortion/26228prs20060725.html), destroying Christianity (http://www.aclu.org/religion/gen/26316leg20060802.html, http://www.aclu.org/religion/schools/26063prs20060628.html ), and changing the landscape of the family forever (you know what I mean). In fact, they not only stand up for the little guy, it is their aim that you both accept and promote their views as your own, lest you be tagged as a racist and a bigot. They want to close your mouth if you disagree with them, making it unlawful for you to dissent! Whenever we hear language of inclusion, tolerance, and equality, it no longer means what it used to (peacefully coexisting together as equals). It means that you can not say anything negative about any person belonging to any group of people, no matter how much you disagree with them on a moral level, unless you are a traditionalist- more explicitly, a Christian. If you hold to traditional morality, their rights trump yours. Is that what we want?

The time is now! We must awake to what is happening here and stand up for ourselves before it is too late. This should get your blood boiling. You should feel infuriated! The trailer for the new Mel Gibson move “Apocalypto” has a couple of great quotes in it. The first is from Will Durant, “A great civilization is not conquered from without, until it has destroyed itself from within.” The other is, “When the end comes, not everyone is ready to go.” This movie is not just a biography of the end of the Mayan empire. It is supposed to get us to take a look at what we’ve become. No great civilization has lived forever. Rome, the Ottomans, Greece, The Mongols, Britannia… they are all gone. We’ve had a good run. I know that we are being destroyed from within. Many though are ready to go, because they have either chose not to see it, or they have bought into ideas that seemed good at first, but produced the conditions that make us ripe for the picking. Can we stop the bleeding? I don’t know. But this I do know. If this is the end of America, I’m not ready to go. I will go down swinging for what I believe in.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Has Europe Gone Crazy?

I say "yes", and unfortunately the rest of the world is hot on it's heels.

From: http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/7/312006f.asp

Has Europe Gone Crazy?
Feature/Commentary by AFA JournalJuly 31, 2006

(AgapePress) - As the culture war in North America grows ever more intense, it might give pause to those in that part of the western hemisphere to note what sort of inanities are occurring on the continent of Europe, where secularists have already won.

In the Netherlands-
Pedophiles are in the process of registering their own political party in order to more efficiently push their agenda there. According to WorldNetDaily, that agenda includes legalized child porn, bestiality and, initially at least, lowering the legal age of consent from 16 to 12. Later, say leaders of the group, they want to remove age-of-consent laws altogether.
The good news, according to the article, is that a survey of Dutch public opinion found that 82 percent believe that the government should do something to prevent the party from forming.

In Spain-
The ruling socialist faction has proposed a law which would give fundamental legal right to "great apes." The socialists got the idea from the Great Ape Project, which demands "the extension of the community of equals to include all great apes: human beings, chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans."
What would those rights entail? The website defines them as: the right not to be killed unless an ape threatens someone's life; the right not to be tortured or used in medical tests; and the right "not to be arbitrarily deprived of their liberty."
The latter "right" means that apes cannot be kept in zoos, unless moving those currently dwelling there might cause more harm than good. Apes should not be "imprisoned" if they "have not been convicted of any crime, or ... are not criminally liable." For apes who are incarcerated, they "have the right to appeal" through a human legal advocate.
An article in the London Telegraph said the law, if passed, would make Spain the first nation in the world -- and, no doubt, in history -- to grant such rights to apes.

In Germany-
Women who are unemployed must be willing to work as a prostitute or risk losing unemployment benefits. Prostitution is legal in German and, according to the Catholic news outlet Zenit, brothel owners have access to official databases of those who have registered for unemployment benefits.
"Germany's welfare laws oblige women under 55 who have been out of work for more than a year to take an available job -- including the sex industry -- or lose benefits," Zenit said. "The government had considered making brothels an exception, but eventually ruled this out."