I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Monday, July 25, 2005


Well, the band just got back from Lake Afton Park in Kansas, playing at the Wheatland Jam. It was soooo hot (like 117 w/ the heat index), but the coolest feeling in the world was to have so many thousand people hear us, scream for us, and then to have Journey take the stage immediately after us. The band was on. Daren and Kevin add to what Gelly and I do in a way that was never possible in any previous incarnation of FTFE. We all love hanging out and it shows on stage. The increased level of musicianship doesn't hurt either. Kev was always great with us, but now it's even better because of how much we all are enjoying everything. We're all playing better. We met a lot of great people. Who knows what will come out of it. It feels great, though, to have CD's to sell. "Focus" has been unleashed! Look out.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Encouragement anyone?

Why are the people that should support you and encourage you the most, the ones that always seem to want to make sure you never enjoy life any more than they do? You'd think that certain people would be happy for you when things go well, but there's something inside them that says... "Whoa there, feller, aspiring to anything is dangerous stuff". Maybe it is, but I love danger. A quest for the unknown, being in a fast car, exploring somethnig new, ...you get the idea.

Case in point. I love playing music. I love travelling and playing music for new people. As a songwriter, the feeling when a new face "gets" what you've written, it's amazing. This is what I was created to do. I feel complete. But some people want to say, "You just make sure to keep a decent job", "as long as I know it's a hobby", "make sure to spend more time with those you love", "you'll get into all kinds of trouble on the road, guaranteed", and the list goes on and on. You know what? You may be right, you may be wrong. I don't care. I'm not going to sit on my hands for 75 years and never do anything with myself. I could work a 40 hour a week job, but it would literally kill me by age 40. Heart attack or stroke, dead. Why shouldn't I do something I love? I can't help it if you compromised your calling. We've finally finished our CD after over two years of struggling, scraping together loose change, and losing blood, sweat, and tears over this project. Could you be happy for us for a moment? (As an aside, please check out a couple of these songs at http://www.myspace.com/fastestturbofireengine. Let me know what you think!)

Or, recently I bought a new car. I don't want to brag, so I'll just say it's old, but fast, powerful, and in great shape. I got a killer deal on it. But again I hear, "I thought you were going to get something more practical", "those are way too expensive to maintain", "replacement parts will be rare and expensive", "was that a smart decision?", etc, etc. Keep in mind, that not one of these people has ever owned this type of vehicle, much less know a lot about cars. None of them understand that I and my car-knowledgeable friends will be able to do most of the maitenence ourselves. The engines and trannies last forever. I can easily find parts on the internet. They are solid and safe. That, to me, says practical. I like it a lot. Could they be excited for me for a minute? That, apparently, is too much to ask.

I believe that we need to encourage each other and be happy when those we care about are happy. I also believe that when those we care about are sad, we need to be sad with them. As frustrated as I am, I realize that I still need to treat these people lovingly, and hope that I can make their lives a little bit better.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


I'm stressed. There is so much going on. I've been meaning to blog for the last 8 days or whatever, but have had no time to do it. So, in case anybody cares, I haven't given up on this blog thing. Between trying to figure out why my new car is overheating, trying to get the CD done despite encountering every possible hurdle, an increased work load, getting ready for our shows with the new line up, and giving time to those who demand and deserve it of me... I'm spent. My head is spinning, and I don't feel like I'm meeting anybody's expectations. After Wichita I am going to nap for a long, long time. I need to refuel and refocus.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Thank you

Things have been pretty stressful lately... but you know what? Things usually turn around and come together. I just want to give my heartfelt thanks to everybody that has stepped up to the plate and wanted to help out with the band, or tell us how much we mean to them. It can be easy to forget when slaving away in the trenches. Kevin, you are a true friend. Thank you for filling in when you could have been so over us. Ben, thank you for being willing to help us out in Wichita on short notice. To our friends in Breathin' Sand, thank you for your support and confidence builders. To our brothers and sisters in Louisville (you know who you are)... thank you for not giving up on us. I feel something big in the works. If it were easy, it wouldn't be worth doing. There's a lot of people that would even consider themselves my fiends, that haven't cared enough to come out and see what I'm doing in the 3 years Fastest Turbo Fire Engine has been hitting it hard. That hurts. Thank you all for making a difference.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I survived the 4th!

I made it through the 4th without blowing off a single body part! Wow! After numerous visits to the firework feller (that's the name Scott has bestowed upon him- so it shall stick) we were armed to the teeth. I love this stuff http://www.blackcatfireworks.com/! After making our fair amount of noise for the evening we went to see Hairball (http://www.hairballrocks.com/ ) at Charlie's. They're hillarious. One word of advice, however. That dude with the extra long face can not sing (Axl Rose, Joe Elliot, Ozzy,etc.)! Please do us all a favor and can him. He can't scream to save his life and he's super flat. The rest of the band smokes! Lastly, following a long standing tradition, went to adorn a friends driveway with ummm... "gifts". You'd have to see it to believe it. No, really.
I'm dragging pretty bad today. I've got rehearsal tonight. I've got to get up for that. We've got a ton of work to do before our next three shows. After all, one is being recorded for a compilation disc through Two Fish Studios and the another is a festival slot in between .38 Special and Journey ( http://www.wheatlandjam.com ). We also have to get our disc mixing finished and mastered this week. Well, hi-ho, hi-ho, off to work I go!