I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Looking back, looking forward.

The 40 day period of fasting and prayer is over. I can look back and see where I was, and where I am now. I feel stronger, and more focused. With this post, I have fulfilled my obligation to write about the period of fasting. I may now speak about music, society, or whatever. But, I can guarantee that posts about faith will not be in short supply, either. We have now entered the Advent season, meaning that there is more prayer and fasting ahead, as we prepare the way for the celebration of Jesus' birth. This is quite important, as we need to keep our spirits in rhythm with the Holy Spirit by following the Christian calendar. Also, we need to keep our bodies in subjection to the Spirit, that He may move within us. I have learned how, mostly, to stay in step with God as I walk through my day. However, I also have learned that I need to be equipped and trained so much more. I understand that there is a work that has laid dorment for a long time. One that God wishes to awaken within his people. We have pretty much neglected the work of the Holy Spirit both in the Church and in the world. As I have stated before, we each are created to do something special. We must not give up on the original calling upon our life. 1 Corinthians 7:20 says, "Let each one remain in the same calling in which he was called". Likewise the Spirit wants to come through that calling and help us persevere in it. We are to be as soldiers behind enemy lines, aware of everything around us. I encourage you to take some time during Advent to pray, fast, and listen to what God might be saying to you. This is a wonderful opportunity to prepare yourself for service, as we prepare to remember the birth of our Lord. Stay strong. Be vigilant.


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