Where do you belong?
Day 31 of this period of fasting and prayer- I'm almost there (at the end of 40 days)!
I believe that the 7 churches in The Revelation don't represent actual geographic territories, so much as they do general states of (dys)function of the Church during the end times. It's as if you went to a Baptist church in Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, Toronto, or Manila. You are still a member of the Baptist church. Certain denominations certainly show the listed charachter traits, since the people of each denomination reflect what that denomination teaches. Again, this isn't indicative of everybody in that denomination, or a condemnation of an entire denomination, as there are good people that really desire to worship and serve God in all that they do wherever they choose to worship. I see all of these churches functioning all over the world. The church of Ephesus can easily represent hardline fundementalism. The followers of this church hate sin, but also tend to hate the people that sin. They have forgot the first works, all based out of love.Churches such as Pergamos and Thiatira can represent hardline liberalism. The followers of this church have distorted God's word, blasphemed God, and given up God's teachings to look more acceptable to the world.There are lessons to be learned here. Wherever we worship, we should desire to belong to the church of Philidelphia. We have to decide to place our lives in the rhythm of the Holy Spirit everyday. (Rev. 3:10) "Because you have kept my command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those that dwell upon the earth." It is an ongoing challenge. It's so easy to get wrapped up in what we do everyday, that our senses become numb to how God moves and what God says. (2 Timothy 2:4) "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier". Prayer, scripture reading, and a fasted lifestyle keep us in touch with a God who has created each of us to do something special. If we get caught up in putting tv, video games, work, political activism, and other activities before tending to our daily relationship with God, that's where the tendencies of these other churches can come into our lives. The passions of our life become selfish and distorted.We can all name churches, denominations, and people that are full of the traits in the other churches (maybe even ourselves): niether cold nor hot, sexual immorality, celebrating activities that are dedicated to the prevailing god of the day (self), unbiblical doctrines, blasphemy, and unloving behavior. The key to these verses is this: John tells each church with God's own words how to avoid the fate he has spelled out. However, most people in these churches won't hear what is being said, and will continue down the path that draws them away from God. We just need to ask ourselves, "Am I really of the church of Philidelphia"? "What traits do I show from the other churches?" "What must I do to change my fate?" When we learn to follow God daily, we can then help others to that same place. That is what God desires for each of us.
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