I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, producer, whatever... but this blog is not only about music, but also life, death, faith, what-have-you... I hope to help restore American history and ideals. Feel free to join the discussion, but please... NO UNSOLICITED BUSINESS OFFERS!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


The Greek word GREGOREUO means to "keep awake", and is sometimes translated as "vigilant".

The floods in New Orleans were a kind of wake-up call for me. We came together to help New York heal from 9/11 and are assisting to reconstruct the lives of displaced New Orleans residents. We, as citizens, do a pretty good job of coming together in the face tragedy. What if, however, we suffered major losses in multiple cities? Millions of people out of work, lives shattered, and hopes dashed. How would we recover? Have you thought about what you would do? Our economy would suffer tremendously. Our people wouldn't be able to rebound as quickly. Are we prepared to deal with something like that? Many Muslims want us dead. Storms are getting closer together and more violent. People are becoming less civil. Our society is characterized by fighting, arguing, out-cunning the next guy, polarizing, and the like. You have a chance to matter now. Don't wait until something bad happens. Be an agent for world betterment now. Michael Neudow dies and his claim to fame can be, "I spent my life making sure the pledge was deemed unconstitutional!" What a waste of a life! There are hungry who need feeding, naked who need clothing, lonely who need loving. And he chooses to waste his life battling the Pledge of Allegiance! Don't get so caught up in trying to affect things, that ultimately don't matter, that you miss your greater calling. GREGOREUO!!!


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